What is it?
Revitalize Ontario and the City of Ontario are in partnership to a revitalization program which is mirrored after the nationwide Main Street Program. The Main Street program is based on the preservation of historically significant structures and is designed to bring economic revitalization to downtown areas. To this end, the Ontario Façade Grant Program was established in 2015 to encourage property owners in their restoration and preservation efforts by providing financial incentives.
The last of the monies assigned to the Façade Program the Council established ran out in February of 2019. In the Budget for 2020-2021 the Budget Committee approved new funding for the project, as well as in 2024 approved combining the remaining Façade Grant money with the Downtown Beautification money (Money for Artwork and Animal Structures) starting the Phase III program. The new boundaries for the Phase III project will be the properties facing along the commercial corridor of SW 4th Avenue from Yturri Beltline to Oregon Street, Idaho Avenue from NW 9th Street to the west side of the exchange of Interstate 84, Oregon Street from SW 6th Avenue to NW 8th Avenue, SW 2nd Street from SW 5th Avenue to West Idaho Avenue, SW 1st Street from SW 5th Avenue to West Idaho Avenue, and SE 2nd Street from SE 5th Avenue to East Idaho Avenue being the Commercial store fronts facing the above described Street.
The Facade Grant Program is specifically designed for the preservation and/or restoration of historic building facades and adding beautification to store fronts along the major corridors of the Ontario business zones. As well as promoting the Arts in Ontario. The program utilizes public funds to entice private investment by property and business owners interested in rehabilitating and restoring downtown commercial structures, stressing their historic significance and encouraging business all along the commercial corridor of the original down area of Ontario. The goals of this program are: 1) to encourage historic preservation through restoration of the town existing structures, 2) to abate any continued deterioration of city by restoring the uniqueness, character and integrity of city structures to the period of their construction. 3) to promote Artwork within the community. To qualify for assistance an applicant must comply with the Façade III Improvement Program guidelines. Projects must be approved by the Certified Local Government Commission (CLGC) established by the City of Ontario. All property owners of existing commercial buildings located in the Commercial zones C-1, C-2, C-2H and C-3 within the above described corridor are eligible for this program
For more information, see the guidelines below.
The last of the monies assigned to the Façade Program the Council established ran out in February of 2019. In the Budget for 2020-2021 the Budget Committee approved new funding for the project, as well as in 2024 approved combining the remaining Façade Grant money with the Downtown Beautification money (Money for Artwork and Animal Structures) starting the Phase III program. The new boundaries for the Phase III project will be the properties facing along the commercial corridor of SW 4th Avenue from Yturri Beltline to Oregon Street, Idaho Avenue from NW 9th Street to the west side of the exchange of Interstate 84, Oregon Street from SW 6th Avenue to NW 8th Avenue, SW 2nd Street from SW 5th Avenue to West Idaho Avenue, SW 1st Street from SW 5th Avenue to West Idaho Avenue, and SE 2nd Street from SE 5th Avenue to East Idaho Avenue being the Commercial store fronts facing the above described Street.
The Facade Grant Program is specifically designed for the preservation and/or restoration of historic building facades and adding beautification to store fronts along the major corridors of the Ontario business zones. As well as promoting the Arts in Ontario. The program utilizes public funds to entice private investment by property and business owners interested in rehabilitating and restoring downtown commercial structures, stressing their historic significance and encouraging business all along the commercial corridor of the original down area of Ontario. The goals of this program are: 1) to encourage historic preservation through restoration of the town existing structures, 2) to abate any continued deterioration of city by restoring the uniqueness, character and integrity of city structures to the period of their construction. 3) to promote Artwork within the community. To qualify for assistance an applicant must comply with the Façade III Improvement Program guidelines. Projects must be approved by the Certified Local Government Commission (CLGC) established by the City of Ontario. All property owners of existing commercial buildings located in the Commercial zones C-1, C-2, C-2H and C-3 within the above described corridor are eligible for this program
For more information, see the guidelines below.