The Engineering Division reviews plans for construction of public improvements and maintains the City's mapping system. This division also provides technical support to residents, developers, builders, other City departments, and consulting engineers and surveyors. The 2020 ISPWC is now the City's standard for public works construction and the Supplemental Standards below are currently being updated.
The staff reviews and approves construction plans for subdivisions, partitions, streets, sanitary sewer, water lines, and storm drainage construction projects. They also design projects, prepare bid documents for public works maintenance projects and provide project management for public improvements.
The Geographic Information System (GIS) database is developed and maintained by the Engineering Division staff. The division also maintains and updates the record maps for all City utilities, right-of-way, easements, land division plots, and City base maps.
The staff reviews and approves construction plans for subdivisions, partitions, streets, sanitary sewer, water lines, and storm drainage construction projects. They also design projects, prepare bid documents for public works maintenance projects and provide project management for public improvements.
The Geographic Information System (GIS) database is developed and maintained by the Engineering Division staff. The division also maintains and updates the record maps for all City utilities, right-of-way, easements, land division plots, and City base maps.