The city's wastewater treatment plant operators use a conventional treatment system of aerated lagoons and secondary chlorination treatment. Effluent from the treatment process is used to irrigate forage crops during the growing season. Located at: 2405 Malheur Drive |
Sewer Collection77.88 Miles of Sanitary Sewer Lines |
Utility Maintenance staff ensures that wastewater generated from each home and business is delivered to the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant. There are 77.88 miles of sanitary sewer lines within the City of Ontario. Responsibilities include constructing new pipelines to replace defective ones or to provide increased service capacity, cleaning all gravity sanitary sewer lines annually, repairing or replacing sanitary sewer lines as needed, providing line locations for all water and sewer lines as needed, and maintaining eight lift stations which move the wastewater generated throughout the City and the barscreen and one lift station from Snake River Correctional Institute to the Wastewater Treatment Plant within DEQ regulations.